torsdag 2 april 2009

Råttan på repet-effekt för kvinnor i Gaza

Läser ett inlägg hos Elder of Zioyn vilka uppmärksammar våld mot kvinnor i Gaza. Blogger har följt upp rapport hos IRIN.

Bloggen konstaterar ur rapporten "UN´s IRIN news service" att:

"The UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in Gaza, local Palestinian NGOs and mental health professionals are reporting increased incidents of domestic violence and sexual assault against women in Gaza since the beginning of 2009.

An unpublished UNIFEM survey of male and female heads of 1,100 Gaza households conducted between 28 February and 3 March indicates there was an increase in violence against women during and after the 23-day war which ended on 18 January.

“According to our staff, and through clinical observation, there was increased violence against women and children during and after the war,” said public relations coordinator for the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP), Husam al-Nounou.

We can attribute this to the fact that most people were exposed to traumatic incidents during the war, and one way people react to stress is to become violent.”

GCMHP, which runs six clinics and treats an estimated 2,000 mental health patients a year, carried out a post-war assessment, interviewing about 3,500 Gaza residents, said al-Nounou.

This war was extremely harsh, people felt insecure, vulnerable and unable to protect themselves, their children and their families; when people were trapped at home this increased the stress and anxiety,” said al-Nounou."

Detta är någon som helt faller på det styrande Hamas. Inte nog med att man utför sina terroraktioner från tät bebyggelse och använder de civila som mänskliga sköldar, nej, utan i frustration måste man också spöa upp och våldta kvinnor!

Några ord om detta? Nej.

"No condemnation. No calls to seek justice for the abusers and rapists. No mention of Hamas, as the de facto government, being even slightly responsible."

Detta går säkert också att anklaga Israel och dess judar för.

"If women are attacked and sexually assaulted in Gaza, the UN and other NGOs like the GCMHP bend over backwards to try to "understand" the circumstances that could lead to such abuse. The people were stressed, you see. When they are stressed, of course they become violent. And the unstated but implicit source of the stress was, of course....Israel. Hamas clearly is blameless, as are the Palestinian Arab men themselves."

Här handlar det säkert återigen om den bisarra omvända logiken som endast drabbar Israel. Precis som tidigare, alltså om någon väljer att ta sitt liv genom att spränga sig själv i luften måste orsaken till detta val vara än hemskare än denna terrorhandling. Således, om palestinska män väljer att misshandla och våldta sina egna kvinnor måste dem som "framtvingat" detta vara ännu hemskare.

Hör själv hur dumt det låter!

Är det inte dags att inse vad som händer när folk hamnar i händerna på mindre-modiga-män aka radikala islamister aka galna terrorister aka Hamas och liknande totalitärt pack?!

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